Today, I Created...
Seismic Podcasting
Branding Your Podcast vs Podcasting Your Brand

Branding Your Podcast vs Podcasting Your Brand

It's all about making promises. And keeping them

I think ‘brand’ has become a bit of a dirty word in recent times.

Maybe it is conflated (rightly or wrongly) with consumerism and overconsumption. I can see the merit in that.

But this needn’t be the case.

And I find it impossible to imagine what a world without any concept of brand would look like. If you’re able to paint me that picture, please do, I’d love to hear it!

Our definition and understanding of brand is within the Seth Godin school of thought: It’s a set of promises, memories and expectations you make with your people.

Note, it’s not just a logo.

Brand isn’t just sticking a logo on something worthless and using the power of that logo to sell more of it. Maybe it used to be like that.

Is it mad to suggest that I think brand might be an incredibly natural part of human existence? A means for us to separate out people, communities, and companies we want to engage with, from those we don’t?

Of course, in practice it’s been around for thousands of years, although with a very different purpose.

But it would appear that from the moment we started to trade with one another, and we had more than once choice, competition was born. And so was branding.

This episode isn’t about the history of branding. It’s about helping you think differently about branding in your podcasts.

If you want people to continue to come back to your show week after week, then you need to give them good reason to. You need to create a set of promises and expectations with your audience, and then deliver on them.

Enjoy listening and as ever, if you get something worthwhile from this show, here’s what you can do next:


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Today, I Created...
Seismic Podcasting
Podcasting should be about far more the downloads. Sam Hamilton-Turner invites you into the world of Soundquake, and how we think about making podcasts that matter. If you’re a leader of a movement, a purpose-driven founder, or simply someone who wants to make change then this is for you. You can drive your mission forward with a podcast and we’re going to show you exactly how we do that.