Today, I Created...
Seismic Podcasting
The Magic 'P' Word

The Magic 'P' Word

Can you guess what it is?

Welcome back! Today, we’re exploring an essential quality that you need to grasp before starting a podcast: patience.

My aim here is to help you and your team evaluate if you're truly ready to embark on this journey.

Spoiler alert: I think you are!

If you missed the previous episodes on the importance of understanding the 'what' and 'why', I strongly encourage you to listen to that first.

“Have a little Patience…”

Here’s the thing…Podcasting is a long play.

Like, really long.

Think of it like running a marathon. Consider the marathon experience: 99% of runners know they won't win. But winning was never the point. They participate for personal growth and the sheer joy of running.

Strangely, we see many podcasts and even podcast production companies focus on getting “launched” as the big milestone.

Sure, it matters to actually get started, but what came before that launch, and then what continues to come after is far more important.

And what comes afterwards is far more challenging. To continue to show up, each week and deliver, to keep on running, takes a lot. A lot, of patience.

Why does this matter anyway?

  • Building a Sustainable Podcast: The initial excitement of a big PR launch can quickly fade. Perseverance through this slump is crucial. Simply put, it takes time for anything meaningful to happen. As you keep producing episodes, your audience will start to engage more deeply and share your content with the others.

  • Creating Meaningful Connections: The goal of podcasting should be more than just instant recognition or fame. It’s about building authority in your niche, sharing genuine stories, and connecting with your audience, one episode at a time.

  • Consistency Over Constancy: Publishing frequently isn't enough if the content is bad. It’s about being consistent with your brand, message, and quality. Consider Waitrose's Dish podcast, which has successfully produced high-quality episodes weekly for over two years.

Actionable Tips for Overcoming Early Podcast Hurdles

  1. Ignore Vanity Metrics: Focus on quality and input, not output. Downloads and early metrics can be misleading. Remember, what is easy to measure is rarely worth measuring in the first place.

  2. Build a Back Catalog: Before launching, create 6-8 weeks' worth of episodes to give yourself a runway.

  3. Make Podcasting a Habit: Inspired by James Clear's "Atomic Habits", making podcasting a habitual part of your routine ensures consistent output.

  4. Treat it Like Any Other Project: Use project management tools to keep your podcasting efforts organised and on schedule. I know you already have one of these tools. Use it! Treat it like any other project your team takes on.

What do you get if you have patience?

  • An audience that trusts you: Consistent high-quality content builds trust with your audience. Over time, they’ll become loyal followers who engage more deeply with your content. This is absolutely necessary if you ever wish to monetise your podcast with sponsorship.

  • A show made with integrity:If we aim for quick success and hyper focus on vanity metrics we can really quickly make some bad decisions. We change the show for the wrong reasons and I would argue, we lose integrity. Many big shows go this way though I won’t name and shame here.

Final Thoughts

Patience is a virtue, especially in podcasting. It's about showing up consistently, building trust, and making a meaningful impact over time. Podcasting is not about quick virality but about creating a lasting connection with your audience.

Next Steps

Next time, we’ll discuss lean production strategies. We’ll cover how to launch quickly, measure actionable metrics, and continuously improve your podcast. This is the logical next step after embracing the long-term view of podcasting.

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  • Website: Soundquake

Thank you for being here today. Remember, the journey of podcasting is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay patient, stay consistent, and make something worth making.

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Today, I Created...
Seismic Podcasting
Podcasting should be about far more the downloads. Sam Hamilton-Turner invites you into the world of Soundquake, and how we think about making podcasts that matter. If you’re a leader of a movement, a purpose-driven founder, or simply someone who wants to make change then this is for you. You can drive your mission forward with a podcast and we’re going to show you exactly how we do that.