Today, I Created...
Seismic Podcasting
KISS: The Right Podcast Workflow for You

KISS: The Right Podcast Workflow for You

Don't let tech get in your way.

It’s very easy to over complicate things. I know this because I do it too.

It’s interesting how we add more layers of complexity to a process, often in an attempt to make things “better” or “easier” or “more efficient”.

It’s easily done. Marketers learnt a long time ago that “people don’t buy stuff, they buy solutions”. So the formula was simple: tell people they have more problems to solve and they’ll feel the need to buy more stuff. And it worked.

And sometimes it goes even further. It’s almost as if we like the shiny new solution and want it so badly that we create a problems to accommodate it. It’s bizarre.

I digress.

But this episode is about avoiding that pitfall when it comes to recording your podcast episodes.

You almost certainly have a suitable place from which you can record, already available to you. You don’t need a fancy studio or soundproof room.

With that said, if you’re a business or part of a bigger team, there are some interesting hurdles and barriers to overcome when picking the right spot to record.

But don’t worry, in just under 13 minutes, you’ll know exactly where you should be.

Seismic podcasting involves keeping things simple, lowering the technical barriers and being resourceful.


If you’re making your own podcasts or thinking about doing so, I think you can learn something here:

And if you have any questions about podcasting just let me know.

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Today, I Created...
Seismic Podcasting
Podcasting should be about far more the downloads. Sam Hamilton-Turner invites you into the world of Soundquake, and how we think about making podcasts that matter. If you’re a leader of a movement, a purpose-driven founder, or simply someone who wants to make change then this is for you. You can drive your mission forward with a podcast and we’re going to show you exactly how we do that.